Ruby, Flesh, & Heart

El'Zandria: the legend.
The Floresse Kingdom's eternal darkness is finally coming to an end, and it's up to the Tenth Maiden to bring back the sun. El'Zandria had always envied the Maidens who had gone before and had been granted a single wish, along with eternal youth, for solving the riddles of the one who cursed their land. However, she soon discovers that wishes don't come without a price.
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Genessa: the legend seeker.
With her head in the clouds, she has always dreamed of the time when the world was filled with castles, treasure and magic. And one day, she gets a glimmer of hope that such things still exist. Following after a vision, Genessa walks in the footsteps of the legendary El'Zandria, but finds out that fables are not always told in its entirety.
Both must battle the greed and desires of men, and acquire the love that their hearts so desperately seeks.
The lights blinked in the gallery, warning that it would be closing soon. Most everyone had gone home anyway, yet Genessa remained behind, staring wistfully at the heart. She did not hear Wilton approach thirty minutes later.
"Time to go, young lady," he said, touching her shoulder.
"Just a few more minutes," Genessa pleaded, "please."
"You have seen the Ruby Heart countless times. You probably know its every curve and crevice. Besides, it will be here for two weeks before it's returned to the vault."
"One more minute," Genessa whined, holding up her index finger, "just one more minute."
The main lights of the gallery turned off, and Wilton sighed, unable to resist the pleas of a young girl.
"I'll give you ten and not a minute more," he warned. "I have some things to put away, and when I come back, it will be time to go. Agreed?"
Genessa nodded her head vigorously, "Agreed."
Wilton hobbled down the hall, and Genessa stared at the Ruby Heart. With the main light off, the heart seemed to glow, and Genessa stared into its depths. Wilton was right; she did know every curve and crevice of the heart—it was etched in her memory, and she made sure she kept it alive in her mind until the next time it was showcased. They usually only brought the heart out on display seasonally, like the necklace and the royal chair, but nothing intrigued her more than the Ruby Heart.
It must have been wonderful, living in a time of magic and wishes. What adventures one could have in such a place as Solozin's castle—solving its riddles. And she was good at riddles. She was certain she would have been one of the maidens who would have retrieved a Sun for Floreese, and she would have chosen love, just like El'Zandria did, for her gift.
Genessa sighed. She had admired a few men at the university from afar, but they were out of her league—rich and affluent like the prominent houses during El'Zandria's time, and she knew she would not have a chance with them, so her admiration slowly faded. But there was love for her out there, somewhere, just like El'Zandria’s love for Solozin. It would be in the oddest time and place, something quite unexpected. Someone who would love her as feverishly as Solozin loved El'Zandria.
Genessa blinked her burning eyes. She had been staring too long. She rubbed them gently and when she lowered her hands, she thought she saw something glitter inside the ruby. Genessa blinked her eyes and looked again. Was her mind playing tricks on her? But then . . . there, it glittered again. Squinting, she moved her head closer to the glass, her nose pressing against it to get a better look. There, it did it again, a small glimmer—Genessa saw it clearly this time. A red, bright sparkle twinkled like a star.
She sucked in her breath as the sparkle twisted and turned, and next, she saw something . . . no; someone. A girl, around her age, her eyes looking up, her black braids flowing out on the cushions of a velvet pillow. Her eyes were warm and filled with emotion, and a shadow covered her face. Then another face appeared, its skin green as the back of tree leaves, its mouth black as obsidian, and its eyes . . . its eyes held torches of fire within them.
The creature lowered himself to the girl, its lips parting hungrily, and she greeted his lips with hers. They were joined that way in a passionate kiss and suddenly fire erupted and the scene vanished.
Genessa gasped, backing away from the glass, still staring at the Ruby Heart.
"Is something wrong?" Wilton approached, finished with his duties at the gallery.
Genessa pointed at the heart.
"What is it, dear?" Wilton glanced at the heart and then stared back at her.
"The heart . . .." Genessa voice faltered.
Wilton became a little more settled, realizing that the girl was not hurt.
"The heart," she repeated, "I saw something inside it."